Christmas Party

Ever since I joined the Fun Team I've become very close with the Nordic and UK customer care teams, which means that I've been able to participate in things that my own team doesn't arrange, like the Halloween costume competition and the Christmas party yesterday. Officially I wasn't "allowed" to go because I work under another company these days. But I was offered free entry in exchange for helping with the registration. Obviously I jumped for the chance! 

After one of the crazy-busiest work days in recorded history I ran home to change and then rushed across the road to the party venue. Our shift at the entrance only lasted for half an hour which left us plenty of time to concentrate on the main thing: dancing and wine. I haven't been dancing for a long time so obviously I had the time of my life. And what was super awesome was the amount of men on the dance floor! I've never seen so many men dancing. 

Did I already mention I had A LOT of fun? People were dressed up so nice and everybody was happy. I was extra happy of the fact that the venue was just across the street from home. Eventually my feet were completely destroyed so I don't know how I would've gotten home if I lived further away; there are no night buses and ordering a taxi in English can be overly challenging. 

Today at work people looked a little tired... But the fact that this weekend I have nothing planned, except watching the Finnish Independence Day reception, is quite wonderful.


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