Summer Plans

I've spent a lot of time lately thinking about this summer and my first ever paid summer vacation. People who have never lived in Northern European countries cannot understand the importance of summer for us. So, of course I started thinking about what I want to do on my month-long-visit to Finland in July!

I will fly home on 1st July and on the first weekend we will attend one of the biggest summer festivals in Northern Europe: Ruisrock! It's been too many years since we last time went there and I'm so excited! I've ordered some proper summer weather for the whole July but if I had to choose only one weekend when it should be sunny and warm it would be this one. 

I am also very much looking forwards to the best place in Turku, the riverside of Aurajoki with its riverboats. These are not like ANY other riverboats on this planet, they are quite unique. Ridiculously expensive but absolutely the best place to spend each and every day of your summer holidays.

It goes without saying that I will also spend as much time as I can in our summer house in the Turku archipelago. I don't care if it's raining, there I can really relax and literally hide from the entire world. Last year I moved to Slovakia in the beginning of June so I didn't have much time to go to the summer house so this July I have some catching up to do. Especially looking forward to the barbeque, smoked fish and the BALTIC SEA <3

Things that I will try to incorporate to my summer in Finland are possibly trying water skiing, maybe taking a day cruise to Stockholm or Tallinn, and definitely going to Helsinki. I would also reeeally like to go horse riding and I hope it can be arranged! It's been over 15 years since I last went riding and I quite miss it.  

I'm really looking forwards to going home, even though I truly hope the weather there has turned to a lot better by then. Summer in Finland is something so unique and awesome that I recommend it to everybody!

I need to really charge my batteries this summer because I have a lot planned on the work front when I come back from Finland. And it's very good because I don't have any trips planned for autumn so I can just immerse myself to developing my skills and knowledge towards what I really want to do professionally.


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