Life - When Did it Become so Wonderful

Since I was very young I thought that I didn't want to grow up to live the kind of life that my parents did: wake up, go to work, come home, eat, watch telly, sleep and repeat every day. Of course one cannot escape a job five days a week if one wants to live a reasonable life, but the time outside the working hours was in my case dedicated to everything except finding a husband, getting a family and being stuck with a mortgage. I promised myself my future would be different. And I've kept that promise to myself.

I've loved living abroad, life like that is so exciting and full of unpredictable events. Comparing that to a stable family life in a country I never felt comfortable in seems like there's no other option anyway. I can honestly say that I have loved every day of my life when I've lived abroad (excluding London perhaps). But for the past few years I've come to think whether I will ever stop. Will I ever find a country where I want to stay for a longer time than just one year? 

At the moment I think I have found such a place. It is still quite early to say, it's only my third week here, but I am so comfortable here. Finland is close enough but I am still abroad. I am completely in love with my apartment and my job is challenging enough and differs every week. One evening I came home, cooked accompanied by a glass of red wine and while I was eating my pasta casserole and watching a movie I just felt so blissfully happy. I'm still not planning on going out in search of a suitable husband and starting a family, but I have to admit I do wake up in the morning, go to work, come home, eat, watch movies and repeat it the next day. But I guess I have finally grown up because I don't mind it a bit :)


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