Back in Business!

Ladies and gentlemen... I HAZ INTERNET !! Oh, don't you ever take such simple things for granted as having a functioning internet connection! But now the planets are all back in their correct places and I can start really living here in Tallinn.

Little by little I get my life in order here. I got the local ID card and thus was also eligible for an internet connection in this country where e v e r y t h i n g is done online; bills, voting, apothecary recipes, signatures(!!), everything. I have also located the main furniture stores in a country that hosts not a single Ikea. So when I finally have enough money (maybe in 2023) I can start to furnish this wonderful flat hard core. 

I have had and will have friends visiting me every weekend, which has been an absolute blessing for me and a curse to my wallet. And when my parents finally come I will get the final piece missing from my bed. Darlings, bed and internet, home is not a home without those two things, I've come to realize. 

Estonia's first Independence Day of the year went a week ago and to celebrate I bought myself flights back to Bratislava for a week in June. After the rainiest February in history of the world I thought I really deserved a sunny week of warmth therapy down south with some of the most amazing people this planet has and will ever carry. And so life goes on :)


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