Ahoy, Summer Ahead !

Finally my trainee period of 4 months has ended and I am officially a Project Manager. A title I’ve been aiming for ever since I entered University. Why I aimed for that particularly? Because a project is a completely open concept, it can be anything and there are usually many of them at the same time, which means it’s a perfect job for me, because I don’t want every day to be the same and, most importantly, I want to be in charge :D

And since I am now officially an employee I am entitled to use the holidays that have gathered up so far. And what would be a better way to waste my one week’s worth of holidays than fly to Central Europe to see some of my favourite people and places!

But before that I am traveling first to Turku to see friends and family, since there’s no need for me to be in the office when I can work from wherever. Ok, I might have organized things so that I wouldn’t have to be in the office in June and scheduled all new trainees to arrive in July. My colleague is going to be traveling most of June as well so this went quite well.

Summer arrived early here and every day I’ve been dreading the next day because it might be over. Summer up here is too unpredictable and usually very, very short. And it does seem that since all May we had beautiful sunshine and a heatwave, June is going to be littered with rain, cold and storms that you might usually expect in the Autumn. Just perfect since the whole idea of going to Turku early was to go to the riverside with a group of friends and a bottle of wine, highlight of the summer! …But it’s not to be, it seems.

Tallinn and I are getting along better now as well. But the fact is that summer is the time when all Finns sail to these shores so I haven’t had a boring moment for many weeks now because there’s always someone here who I know. And there won’t be much boredom ahead either; plan for June is Turku --> Budapest --> Bratislava --> Turku (summerhouse) --> Tallinn; plan for July is that every weekend either I have friends visiting or I will be in Turku. Hopefully in August I might finally be able to do some traveling in the Baltic countries as well. Maybe I should start planning already…


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