Finn-Fun in Tallinn + Christmas Market

When life kicks
you in the stomach repeatedly for months on end it’s good to keep in mind the wise words of the great thinker, Taylor Swift: Shake it off! Different people have
different ways of ”shaking off” all the shit that life has seen fit to pile on
your shoulders and mine is spending time with friends.
How fortunate
then that one of my best friends arriving for a long weekend visit coincided
with so far the worst week of this Autumn! I received a crushing ”Thank
you but no thank you”-message from a job that I was sure was mine (yeah, no
sign of Finnish humility here) on the same day that my friend cruised to
Tallinn and thank goodness for that! I needed her cheering company more than ever. After a quick visit to my local
supermarket we decided to make a little curve on our way to my place. The curve had a conveniently situated sushi restaurant on it. There is nothing in life that sparkling
wine, sushi and good company couldn’t fix!

Even though I had to work the next day I felt enormously better already. Especially because in
the evening we had booked 2 seats for the Savoy Ball operetta in the National
Opera of Estonia, which meant that it was time to get pretty!
The play was in
Estonian but the English subtitles were surprisingly easy to follow and
obviously the singing was amazing. I had high hopes since ballet and opera are
very well-renown in Estonia and I was not disappointed: the show was incredibly
entertaining and funny, thank you especially to the actor portraying a Turkish ”gentleman”.

On Friday we
shopped till we dropped. Well, I could have done much better but getting new jeans and
a ’choker’ acted as enough of shopping therapy for me :)
Friday was also
the day when they opened the Christmas market here in Tallinn! So, obviously
the first thing to do on a Saturday morning was to go and find ourselves some
glögi / mulled wine. They had both on offer; mulled wine was 12% strong and
glögi 21%. You could definitely taste the difference.
There were all
the usual handicrafts and foods on offer and since it’s a small city, the
market was quite quick to go through. So, we continued through the Old Town to
the train station and the brand new Market Hall beyond.

I really like
Estonian architecture; they have taken influence of Scandinavian simple and clean
lines and twisted them. The Market Hall is a perfect example with its edgy
roof and the little stalls/cafés on the outside area. Inside you can find the
meat and fish section, cheese room and a food court with everything you ever
wanted street food-wise.
And of course you
can’t make a trip to the Telliskivi side of the city without visiting the
hipster area just a few steps away from the Market Hall. We made our way to the
Finns’ favourite place there, F Hoone, for a quick cup of coffee and a glass of

I really liked
our Saturday especially because we had no schedule whatsoever. We decided to
cancel our table reservation in a restaurant and instead spend the day without
having to check the time. This was a great idea! We ended up walking through
basically the whole of the Western side of Tallinn and discovered that my
favourite sushi place, where we always order take-away to the office from, actually
happens to be almost in my backyard. So we got some more sushi, got comfortable on the couch and spent the evening watching Love Island on TV. Seriously, you can laugh, but
I can’t think of many series that are as entertaining as that!
On Sunday the
reality hit me in the face again after Lotta had left; I discovered that the only heater in my
huge bedroom was completely cold. Aka broken. It was like walking
into a fridge when you stepped from the living room to the bedroom. Back to
reality indeed...
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