
 First screw-up at work last week. Nothing major, but with my work experience and education background I am not so lenient with allowing mistakes to myself. But everybody screws up and I don't know any better way to learn than through mistakes.

Friday I was able to leave work a little early to spend the weekend with my parents. I'm not so good with planning anything because I've learned that the more you plan, the less things go according to plan. So, since my parents had apparently brought the Finnish summer with them I had to go home after work to change instead of going to see the castle.

We did get to the castle eventually though. Bratislava is a really nice city in a way that everything is within a walking distance. So, we took the tram from my apartment to the city centre and arrived at the gates of the old town. The old town is (according to my parents) very similar to the one in Stockholm for example. Loads of restaurants, bars, tourist boutiques and gobbled streets.

Walking through the old town you either find yourself on the river bank or next to the bridge with the UFO. Walk under the bridge and you will arrive at the foot of the Hrad Castle. I like the part before the castle, the little streets with beautiful houses. The emperor Maria Theresa of Austria along with many other crown heads have inhabited the castle over its long history dating back to the 9th century.

There's a man in the old town climbing up from the sewers. He is called Cumil and he has been on the same spot since 1997. Nobody knows what he's really up to, but I think he's a sneeky little thing and is there looking up women's skirts! :D Tourists absolutely lllove him!

A girl's gotta have something to eat!

One of the more modern sights in Bratislava is the UFO standing over the bridge Nový Most. The scariest elevator in the world takes you up to the deck where you can see all the way to Austria and even to Hungary if the weather allows. Inside the UFO there is a bar and a restaurant and I would recommend a visit to the toilets! We got a good view over the city from the castle as well but the UFO was impressive. I could feel the fact that the Sun was closer, it was buurning.

It was a good thing my parents came so quickly after my moving here, now I know all the tourist sights here! It's weird how when you live somewhere, even if it's London with billions of places to see, you just don't go to see the sights until somebody comes for a visit and wants to see the city. Now I've seen Bratislava, next up Vienna or Geneva or Prague or Budapest!


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Bachelorette in Brno