Christmas Crazyness: Decoration Overload

When starting to plan my flat's makeover in regards to a Christmas look, I straight away knew that the best place to start from, when looking for ideas and inspiration, is my parents' place! They have 30 years' worth of Christmas knick-knacks, baubles, glittery stars, candle holders, Santa figurines from all decades starting from the 80's. Since my money situation hasn't improved much since I announced the Project Bedroom open I decided to start small and find some decoration items from home rather than buying my own. 

So, when I went home for a week I ransacked their closets and drawers looking for something, anything, that would catch my eye. I have an eye for outfits but with interior design I am still trying to find myself and my taste, so I count on my instinct: if I see something that makes me go "oh, how about that one?!", it's a good place to start. With Christmas decoration, though, it's easier: I believe that nothing succeeds like excess and so, the more glitter and colour I can put together the better. And I only had to go through one of the upstairs closets where I found a big box labelled "Christmas stuff". There were items like sparkly ribbons and baubles in all colours, sets of lights for windows and stars that you can hang somewhere and put a candle in it. 

The first box I opened was dedicated for blue and silver decorations. Another box was for red and gold Christmas things. And since mum wanted to go the traditional way this year and stay red and gold I went through the blue box. Obviously I took the prettiest and the most sparkly baubles from there and also shiny silver and white ribbon to scatter around my apartment. I also found some stars that you can hang in front of the window and put candles in them. I also discovered some heart-shaped lights that I need to see in my flat, try them out in different places to see where they fit best.

I don't much like this time of the year but the Christmas lights and decorations make it bearable. In Finland Christmas lights have started to appear in windows and yards all over but in Estonia they still evade my eyes. Maybe when they open the Christmas markets people finally wake up to what time of the year it is! Fingers crossed.


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Bachelorette in Brno