Details at Home

It's amazing what a boost a piece of new furniture can bring! Lately I have been extremely down. I knew when I moved here that Autumn and Winter will probably be a completely shit time for me but still it surprised me how badly it has affected me. It was really cold for October and it's only 3rd November and Estonia is already engulfed in never-ending snow storm. On top of that my only colleague has been working from abroad for a month so I have been completely alone, which is bad... It's really really bad! Thankfully I have had friends visiting every now and then but after two weekends alone at home I really struggled to find anything positive about each day. But then, finally, my brother brought me a new, proper couch and all of a sudden my flat looks like a real adult apartment!

I've loved my apartment no matter how shabby and unfinished it has looked with the tiny, red wine-soaked, white sofa which left a lot of empty space unused in the living room. But now that the couch arrived I was taken over by a wave of inspiration! I'm not very good with interior design stuff, I don't have the eye for it, but thank goodness for friends and family! Basically the living room is now done, the only thing missing are curtains. I have them already, beautiful Vallila design, which have been hidden away ever since I moved here because I am still in need of a curtain rack to hang them on... 

The small white sofa was moved to my extremely spacious bedroom. It's quite bulky, which presented some challenges. I tried all sorts of arrangements and changed the place of the clothes rack non-stop. I think I'll leave it as it is for now. But now the room is really screaming for some material onto the bare white walls. Thankfully my best friend tipped me off about Desenio, a Finnish web-store for amazing posters and frames and other little details for your home. So next addition to my bedroom will be a plant-related collage of small posters. I also want a big painting of a ballet dancer, but I am very particular to how this painting should look like and haven't found one that has quite felt right yet. Slowly but surely my little home is getting a more adult-like outlook.


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